Mia suffered from sepsis aged five and lost both her legs. Children are dying of sepsis in this day and age in our advanced health care system.
A $160,000 Grant (2019) to the University of QLD
‘Acute Resuscitation in Paediatric Sepsis - a randomised controlled trial to reduce morbidity and mortality due to sepsis in children’.
“One minute Mia was looking okay and 48 hours later her heart stopped. Within 48 hours you’re at death’s door. How do you as a parent reconcile that?”
Dr Sai Raman, Paediatric Intensivist, QLD Children’s Hospital
“They would’ve just heard me screaming at the top of my lungs:
“We’re losing her!”
Amy Wilkinson, Mia’s Mum
This year we presented a piece which showcased some of the past grant projects the FMFC has funded and some of the children and families who have been willing to share their compelling stories.